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Get inspiration for making a Christmas tree for a small space. This wall hanging christmas tree screams boho vibes and is great for a small space like an apartment, condo, or university residence!
Looking for quick and easy Christmas decor ideas? Try this inexpensive DIY holiday Christmas craft. Learn how to make this fast and simple boho holiday wreath with just a few supplies. Do-it-yourself holiday decor idea!
DIY planter pot using hemp rope. Turn take-out, yogurt, coffee containers (anything you want really) into a home for your plants. Make your own plant holder using only a limited number of supplies.
Personalize your moleskin notebook or sketchbook using collage and Mod Podge. Add your own personal touch and decorate your notebook using magazine cutouts and personal drawings.
Reuse old office supplies to create something new! These DIY notebooks make for great personal diaries, junk drawer note pads, or gifts for friends.

Learn how to get rid of mealybugs by following the steps in this post! Read about what I have learned about mealybugs and find information on their characteristics.
I successfully water propagated my first Monstera Deliciosa cutting! You can find photos, my successes, and frequently asked questions about propagating Monstera leaf cuttings in water on this page.
DIY planter pot using hemp rope. Turn take-out, yogurt, coffee containers (anything you want really) into a home for your plants. Make your own plant holder using only a limited number of supplies.
Experimenting with leaf cuttings and propagating? I recommend starting your baby succulents out in a greenhouse. I upgraded my indoor greenhouse to create a better environment for my baby succulents to thrive in, see the before and after.
Is your monstera plant climbing out of its pot? This DIY moss pole is the solution for your climbing plants! Follow these steps to make a moss pole for aerial roots to cling to!

A unique and unexpected spot found in the southern states, South of the Border is a kitschy, roadside tourist attraction in Dillon, South Carolina. The tackiest attraction, South of the Border is a bright and colourful stucco facade in the middle of the American South… I mean, if it was anywhere else, it probably wouldn’t still exist.
Find photos and information on Cenote Taak Bi Ha in the Maya Riveria in Mexico.
Traveling to Mexico? Find photos and travel information on the Tulum Mayan Ruins at Tulum National Park. See how we spent our day exploring the ancient ruins in Tulum, Mexico!
Traveling to Mexico? Find photos and information on Tulum beach and the Tulum Mayan Ruins and see how we spent our day on the white sandy beaches of Tulum, Mexico!
Cambridge is my city