EXPLORE: Around Galt - September 20-27, 2020

a week of images.


September 20-27th in photos.

I’ve left this post in draft mode for two weeks for no good reason… people only look at plant stuff anyway so WHOGIVESASHIT. These posts are for me :)

20th: Eric and I checked out Southworks Antiques in Cambridge for the first time.

25th: I was showing slight COVID symptoms and my work policy is if you’re showing symptoms, get tested. So I got tested. It hurt more than the first time. Still waiting on the results.

I spent a lot of time outside this past weekend (staying away from public spaces in the event that I actually do have Covid… which i’m pretty sure I don’t.

UPDATE: Ya girl is negative.

26-27th: I met my best friend Graeme’s new dog, Iris.
Spent some time solo enjoying the outdoors and drove around aimlessly trying to find new andinteresting places, stopped at like five different parks just to walk around and I discovered a couple (new to me) trails by my apartment … ALL WHILE KEEPING MY DISTANCE.


Favourite shot from the weekend :)

Churchill Park, Galt, Cambridge, Ontario.

Churchill Park, Galt, Cambridge, Ontario.

Southworks Antiques

Southworks Antique Mall. Cambridge Ontario
Southworks Antique Mall. Cambridge Ontario
Southworks Antique Mall. Cambridge Ontario
Southworks Antique Mall. Cambridge Ontario
This one still feels relevant…

This one still feels relevant…

Vintage Elvis sculpture at Southworks Antique Mall. Cambridge Ontario

Around Galt

Had Andy’s pizza for the first time. I approve! Fresh crust that didn’t weigh me down!

Had Andy’s pizza for the first time. I approve! Fresh crust that didn’t weigh me down!


At Home


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Galt night walk

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