PLANTS | Greenhouse Glow-up, upgrading my indoor green house


upgrading my in-house greenhouse


Greenhouse glow-up



Greenhouse on a budget

I was using a plastic container as my ‘greenhouse', it served it’s purpose but wasn’t very easy on the eyes.

I only get a sliver of sun through my bedroom window. SO in an attempt to maximize the amount of sunlight that my plants get, I added this tacky shelf thing. It sufficed.

Ikea table-top greenhouse


Just here to see photos? Keep scrolling past the text for more pictures of my new greenhouse.

Propagating with leaf cuttings

I am obsessed with plants. For a couple years now I’ve been experimenting with propagating from leaf cuttings. I’ve had great success with pothos, spider plants, monstera and have managed to grow tiny baby succulents smaller than my finger nail. Unfortunately, I’ve had one of those succulents stay that size for 2 years now, and most of the others die off.

As I’ve been learning over the years, newly propagated plants root best when they have high humidity. &&& in comes the greenhouse idea.

Be Resourceful

You don’t need to buy a green house. An inexpensive option for your indoor greenhouse is to reuse a takeout container with a clear lid. This will create the right environment for your rooting plants just as well as an actual greenhouse.

I got sick of looking at the plastic container that I had. I also found it difficult opening the container up each time to mist the plants and wanted more space for extra plants.

Where I got my greenhouse

I purchased the SOCKER green house from IKEA.

However it’s not as durable as I hoped it was going to be. I think I would look for something with a little more integrity if I was ever to purchase again. is a participant in affiliate advertising programs. Affiliate programs are designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to vendors. The fees earned from this help contribute to the running and management of this website.

An aloe plant has a permanent home in front of my greenhouse.
Aerial shot of my indoor greenhouse, containing a hoya plant and propagating leaf cuttings.
This ikea tabletop greenhouse was the perfect size for my apartment. Apartment sized greenhouse.
Misty glass <3

Misty glass <3

Propagating succulents from leaf cuttings.
Water dropplets on a hoya leaf.
I ended up taking this string away… for some reason I thought it necessary at first. (it’s not)

I ended up taking this string away… for some reason I thought it necessary at first. (it’s not)

Condo sized table top indoor greenhouse.

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