DIY CRAFT | Personalize your Moleskine Notebook: Decorating with Collage and Mod Podge


personalize your notebook

How to decorate a sketchbook cover


Decorating your notebooks

Be it thoughts, dreams, sketches, recipes or whatever it is you use your notebook for… Your notebook is an extension of yourself and most of all, it’s personal.

Make your notebook YOURS from front cover to back. Follow these tips and tricks for decorating your notebooks.

Be resourceful

Have some left over wrapping paper with a design that you love? Save scrap paper from previous projects and reuse for collage! Cut it into geometric shapes, tear drops, etc.

Moleskine sketchbook with a line drawing of a face on the front. Ideas to decorate your notebook . How to decorate your notebook or sketchbook. DIY moleskin notebook

Supplies you will need:

- Mod Podge

- Paint brush

- Moleskine notebook

- exacto knife

- cutting mat or surface

- old magazines

- pens, markers, pencils


This simple cut and paste project is the perfect way to personalize your notebooks.


1). I always start

By cutting out a bunch of things from magazines and laying them out in front of me.

Collage is all about play

Collage is all about having fun.

Don’t overthink it.

Ideas to decorate your notebook

If you’re stuck on what to do… Here are some ideas to get you started on your design:

  • group similar colours and create a monochromatic design

  • contrast complementary colours

  • make funny connections between images

  • cut out textures and colours to create an abstract look.

  • mix media: use collage and pen and ink


2). Next, lay out your design on your notebook

Get a feel for where you want to place your design.


3). Glue!

I usually put a bit of glue down where I know the design is going.

Once I’ve set it in place, I go over the top with mod podge.

(this part is optional… it really depends how tedious you want to get glueing your design down.. I prefer to go quick and just glue overtop)

This sets it in place and gives it an extra bit of integrity.


4). glue the whole cover

If you decide to glue on top of your design, you may want to glue the whole front of your cover. This way, you are not left with a visible line of glue around the outside edge of your design. is a participant in affiliate advertising programs. Affiliate programs are designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to vendors. The fees earned from this help contribute to the running and management of this website.

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